Interested in Joining a Committee?

View our opportunities below and contact Charran James, AUID President with specific questions, or the board member listed below each committee to get started.

Joining a committee is an easy way to give back, influence the future of this
association and gain strong connections with other members.

While AUID has a management partner for necessary day-to-day
association support, this community relies on member involvement to
advance goals and support initiatives. Please consider joining one or several
of these committees.

The time commitment of each committee varies throughout the year but
typically meet once or twice a month depending on certain initiatives or
operational deadlines. As volunteer positions, we understand that work is
priority and commitment levels change over time.

Board representative shall be Past President

  • Creates and review AUID diversity policy and practices
  • Create and maintain partnerships with vendors and other professional organizations       
  • Create policies relating to vendor memberships or other professional reciprocal organizations

Contact Melissa Marriott at if you are interested.

Board Representative shall be Director at Large

  • Works with ACUI to create and distribute member roster
  • Creates policy pertaining to membership requirements (types of membership-alumni, etc.)
  • Generate ideas on expanding membership/recruiting new members
  • Create and promote new member benefits (member scholarships, LBD subscription, etc.)
  • Create policy for membership renewals and data collected
  • Create privacy policy and how/what member information may be disclosed to outside parties

Contact Sarah Rakestraw at if you are interested.

Board Representatives shall be Secretary and Director at Large

  • Create and review content/posts to be sent via social media accounts (actual posts sent to ACUI for posting)
  • Keep website updates and current (feed info to ACUI for actual changes)
  • Writes/compiles articles for LBD magazine
  • Compile announcements/upcoming events/etc. for publication/distribution to members (ACUI will send the actual communication)
  • Generate ideas and policies for future marketing/communications
  • Create policy for branding standards/guidelines for use of AUID logo (work with ACUI)
  • Oversee adherence to AUID branding standards use by outside parties
  • Create Clearstory and send to 1st VP for editing/approval
  • Select a chairperson to report to Board representative
  • Maintain records and historical data/documents/images of AUID organization
  • Work with ACUI to create database of knowledge for member reference
  • Gather research that AUID members may have completed for reference by other members

Contact Susana Johnson at if you are interested.

Board Representative shall be Director At Large

  • Create and review diversity policy and practices
  • Contribute content to monthly newsletters to educate & inspire members on design topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion

Contact Travis Brauns at if you are interested.

Board Representative to be Director at Large

  • Recruits/selects location for future conferences
  • Maintains list of past and future conference locations (send to ACUI/Communications Committee for addition to website)
  • Work with ACUI and “host” to handle logistics of the conference (registrations fees/deadlines, CEU selection, venue selection, transportation, agenda, catering, etc.)
  • Creates policies/procedures for conference planning

Contact Laura Werts at if you are interested.

Board Representative to be Director at Large

  • Creates policy/procedures pertaining to student scholarship applications
  • Review and select winners for student scholarship
  • Gather student bio info for recognition and distribution to membership
  • Creates policy/procedures pertaining to member scholarships
  • AUID Board will set annual budget for total scholarship funds available for disbursement
  • Distributes funds (working with ACUI/Treas.) for all scholarships appropriately

Contact LeeAnn Crist at if you are interested.

Board Representative to be Director at Large

  • Creates policy/procedure for design competition rules/regulations
  • Locate judges for design competition and tally scores for entries
  • Work with ACUI/ Conference committee on logistics pertaining to awards banquet (printing boards, creating certificates, presentation of awards, etc.)
  • Act as Emcee and create presentation of awards and recognition for banquet
  • Create and distribute wall plaque awards to competition winners after conference
  • Create/distribute any other awards/recognition to members deemed appropriate by committee (certificates for lengthy membership, etc.)

Contact Emily Pittenger at if you are interested.

Board Representative to be Director at Large

  • Create policy/procedures for AUID webinar CEU series (content, fees, registration methods, etc.)
  • Offer input for CEU topics/presenters to Conference committee if requested
  • Promote other professional development opportunities (partner vendors CEUs, upcoming testing for certifications, etc.) to membership
  • Offer topics for discussion/set agenda for AUID Round Tables
  • Generate any future professional development ideas for members (mentorships, wellness checks, Neocon breakfasts, panel discussion invitations, etc.)

Contact Becky Owens at if you are interested.